Tracks :
- You came out
- We have band
Venue : ‘Le Grenier’, La Vapeur, Generiq festival #3.
Recorded : 2009, february, 13th.
Notes : It’s cold in there, around 0°C. Just to let you know, ‘Le Grenier’ is a roof, but when you’re in, it’s like you’re out. For that session, their manager, Guillaume ask me to meet the band at their hotel. I’m waiting for them in the reception room, they come downstairs, we say hello and blah blah blah. We carry their stuff in my car, and i drive them to the venue. Unfortunately, Darren has walked in a dog’s shit and… well you see.
Let’s record our session. Trains don’t stop outside the venue, so we wait for a better moment to record. Two tracks in the box. Great. An electro band which try to do a real acoustic, i like that.
You came out :
We have band:
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